Buy Rabbit Vibrators Online from Kaamastra

Today's generation is pretty much aware of the importance of sexual wellness, raising the demands for various sex toys and self-stimulation tools. Gone are those days when a woman's orgasm was an overlooked or suppressed topic. With the higher availability of female vibrators, Bunny sex toys and advanced sex massagers, women have found a way to achieve intense sexual orgasms. Since women are being more vocal about their sexual needs nowadays, we are witnessing a larger acceptance of sex toys like vibrators. And among all the vibrators and sex toys for women, a rabbit vibrator always stands out as the most popular.

The first rabbit vibrator was launched in 1984. Back then, it was known as an imported sex toy. However, this imported sex toy achieved skyrocketing popularity via a television show named Sex and the City. Charlotte’s marvelous performance on sex toy masturbation was a final call to realize the importance of women’s orgasms.
So, you see, there is a gripping history involved in the evolution of this iconic rabbit massager or vibrator. If you want to know more, give this article a read.

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What is a Rabbit Vibrator?

A rabbit vibrator is a widely used sex vibrator, offering double stimulation at a time. Despite being so unique and popular, very few people are aware of the fact that this bunny sex toy was first invented in Japan.

With the right application of this bunny sex toy, you can experience dual orgasms and intense sexual pleasure. However, very few people are aware of the flare-up of dual orgasms. This dual orgasm is the result of combining clitoral stimulation with vaginal penetration. Although dual orgasm is hard to achieve, a lot of women have experienced it with the help of a rabbit vibrator. With bunny ears and a penis shape, this advanced vibrator sex toy can help you achieve dual orgasms faster. Whether you prefer a G-spot vibrator or want to stimulate your clitoris area with a silicone sex toy, this bunny-shaped mini vibrator has got you covered.

Why choose a rabbit vibrator?

A rabbit massager is the talk of the town today. No matter whether you are a first-time user or an experienced woman who loves to play solo, this bunny sex toy is convenient for everyone. Beyond easy usage, this little sex vibrator can offer more.

According to a survey report by Cosmopolitan, a rabbit vibrator is one of the most used sex toys in the world. Beyond offering excellent self-pleasure, this iconic sex vibrator can offer clitoral and penetrative sexual stimulation. This animal-shaped sex toy has a dual stimulation feature, hooking many users with its power to offer blended orgasms. That's not all. This vibrator can offer more.

  • Dual actions: As mentioned, this rabbit vibrator has a dual action formula, offering clitoral and G-spot stimulation altogether. 
  • Intense Orgasm: Female orgasm is not a joke. Some foreplay and regular penetration may fail to offer that much-desired orgasm. Hence, women buy sex toys online. A bunny sex toy is one of the most purchased women’s vibrators, offering intense orgasms and longer climaxes.
  • Iconic Design: A rabbit vibrator is known for its curved shaft design, which lets you enjoy the G spot and clitoral stimulation simultaneously without any hassles. You can use it for solo actions or deep sexual intercourse with your partner.

How does a Rabbit Vibrator work?

A mini rabbit vibrator, also known as a rabbit massager, stimulates your G spot and clitoral area simultaneously. With its unique bunny ears, this mini vibrator can reach your clitoris and hit the G spot, maximizing sexual pleasure and playing a significant role in achieving dual orgasms. Now, you may wonder what we mean by the term dual orgasm. Let us elaborate a bit.

Unlike a traditional or regular vagina vibrator, this rabbit-shaped vibrator can offer both clitoral and penetration arousals, letting you enjoy a blended orgasm for a longer time. This is why a rabbit massager is primarily known as a dual-action vibrator, which allows you to enjoy combined sexual stimulation.

Understanding the Different Vibrations and Pulse Patterns

Unlike traditional vibrators, an advanced Jack Rabbit vibrator contains different settings that let you adjust the vibration’s intensity according to your convenience. Three vibration modes are available in these bunny sex toys: low, medium, and high. Likewise, it contains more interesting features related to vibrations, such as steady and intense vibrations.

Conversely, there are different pulse patterns available in a rabbit massager. Whether you prefer rhythmic or rapid pulsation, this mini vibrator contains every advanced pulsate sensation. You will get multiple settings for your bunny sex toy, letting you experiment with different vibrations and pulsations. 

How many types of Rabbit Vibrators are available online?

If you want to pick the best female vibrator for your sex toy collections, you must consider opting for a rabbit vibrator. This bunny sex toy will be a classic addition to your collection. Whether you want something classic to stimulate your G spot or are planning to buy a rabbit massager to produce some intense clitoral stimulation, there is a bunny vibrator available for every purpose.

  1. G-Spot Rabbit Vibrators

If you are looking for a G-spot vibrator that can stimulate both your G-spot and clitoris, a bunny sex toy may fulfil your requirements well. This G spot rabbit massager contains a shaft, targets your G spot, and leads to an intense orgasm.

  1. Rechargeable and battery-operated Rabbit Vibrators

Today’s modern Rabbit massagers are mostly rechargeable. These advanced battery-operated vibrators come with a long shelf life. Unlike traditional vibrators, a rabbit vibrator is not thrown away after one or two months of usage. You can use them for a longer time. Whether you want a rechargeable bunny sex toy or a vagina vibrator with disposable batteries, there are various vibrators and sex toys available to fulfil your requirements.

  1. Mini and travel-friendly Rabbit vibrators

This mini rabbit vibrator is known for its travel friendliness. You can keep it in your handbag, purse, or backpack and travel wherever you want.

How to choose the right Rabbit Vibrator

Are you purchasing a bunny sex toy for the first time? Consider the factors listed below well before hitting the “Buy” button.

Sizes always matter

A rabbit massager or bunny vibrator is available in various sizes and shapes. If you are a first-time user, beginning with a standard size is good. Opt for an 8-inch rabbit vibrator. Likewise, if you are an experienced person who keeps purchasing these ladies' sex toys online, you can go for a bunny vibrator with a bigger size.

Check the material

Your rabbit vibrator needs to be made with body-safe ingredients. Therefore, you must check the materials before ordering this mini vibrator. Remember, your vagina is one of the most sensitive areas in your body. Ensure the rabbit massager you choose is made with safe ingredients like silicone.

Consider the recommendations

When buying a rabbit vibrator for the first time, ask for recommendations. For example, if you are a beginner, you might need a vibrator that comes in speed-adjusting modes, is small in length like 7 or 8 inches, and doesn’t create any annoying sound. Here, you might consider getting recommendations from people who have been using a female vibrator for longer.

Learn about the features

Today’s sex massagers or vibrators contain so many advanced features. However, it’s important to learn about it all whenever you buy sex toys online. Check whether your chosen vibrator is waterproof or not. Similarly, find out how many vibrating modes are available in this mini sex toy. Do not purchase a cheap quality vagina vibrator that has no control over speed.

Common mistakes to avoid

Although a rabbit vibrator is quite safe, people might still commit silly mistakes while using it for the first time.

·         Do not order an oversized rabbit massager. As a beginner, you should consider the length of a vibrator before ordering one.

·         Set the vibration mode correctly. If you are a beginner, using medium- or low-intensity vibration is wise.

·         Clean your personal vibrator properly and store it in a safe and dry place.

What are the benefits of using Rabbit Vibrators?

A woman who used this bunny sex toy once never goes back to those traditional sex toys and vibrators. Most women have reported achieving a quick orgasm through this mini vibrator. That’s not all. There are many other significant benefits of using this bunny sex toy.

Improves Sexual pleasure and leads to intense orgasm

Unlike traditional vagina vibrators, a rabbit massager focuses on multiple sensitive areas of a woman’s body, boosting sexual pleasure and letting you explore various sexual activities. While traditional vibrator sex toys focus on stimulating the clitoris, this mini vibrator can stimulate both your G spot and clitoris, leading to intense sexual pleasure and faster orgasm.

Enhances the quality of your sexual life

Whether you are into solo sexual activities or enjoy passionate penetration sex with your partner, this rabbit vibrator can suit every purpose seamlessly. With its bunny ears, this vibrator toy can stimulate your G spot, enhancing the quality of your sex life and ensuring 100% sexual satisfaction.

Reduces your stress level and uplifts your mood

A rabbit sex vibrator is known for its dual stimulation feature, leading to an intense orgasm. And such intense orgasm can boost the secretion of happy hormones such as serotonin and oxytocin. Both of these hormones play a significant role in reducing stress and anxiety. Therefore, regular usage of a rabbit massager helps you to control stress and uplift your mood. 

Allows you to explore and experiment

Be it an intense foreplay session or solo stimulation, a rabbit vibrator can add some more spice to your sex life. With its various vibration patterns, you can enjoy sexual pleasure at its best. Remember, this cute bunny sex toy is not just for solo sexual performances. It lets you enjoy different sexual activities, explore some new sexual actions with your partner, and feel the intense pleasure drawn by dual stimulation.

How to Use a Rabbit Vibrator?

Although a rabbit vibrator is extremely user-friendly, let’s discuss some ways to make the best of it.

Relax and Concentrate

Putting your body into deep relaxation is the first step in inserting a rabbit massager into your vagina. When inserted well, this vibrator can prepare your vagina for intense penetration. Rabbit vibrators are generally larger than usual sex vibrators and take more time to be properly inserted. However, you should be very gentle while pushing it into your vagina. Do not rush here; otherwise, it can cause injury or cuts.

Set the right vibration mode

For a beginner, it’s wise not to go for high-intensity vibration. Rather, keep the vibration level medium or lower and increase it gradually with time.

Maximize the pleasure with foreplay

Your job doesn’t end with inserting this rabbit massager inside your vagina. You have to engage in some intense foreplay to enhance sexual arousal. Remember, this bunny sex toy is quite different from a traditional vagina vibrator. This bunny-shaped personal vibrator is well known for hitting the G spot successfully. With its bunny ears, you can easily stimulate your G spot, maximizing sexual pleasure and leading to a deep climax.

Combine lubricants with your rabbit vibrator

If you are a beginner, using some lube with your rabbit massager is smart. Buy some water-based lubricants and combine them with this cute mini sex toy. Combining this water-based lube with a female vibrator can increase the chances of a fast orgasm and reduce the risk of cuts and discomfort. Women with tight hymen can also practice self-stimulation and other solo activities by applying some lube to this vibrator toy. Such solo activity will reduce the risks of discomfort and pain associated with first-time sex.

Rabbit Vibrator Maintenance and Care

A bunny sex toy is easy to maintain. Just remember to follow the instructions below to increase the shelf life of this rabbit sex toy.

·         Clean your rabbit massager before and after every usage.

·         Make sure to store this bunny sex toy in a dry and safe place.

·         Charge your sex vibrator regularly and make sure not to overcharge it. Overcharging your vibrator might affect its battery's lifespan and impact the functionality of your bunny sex toy.

Myths and Facts: Rabbit Vibrators 

Although this bunny sex toy is hugely popular, there are still some strong myths associated with the use of this mini vibrator. Let us help you spot those myths and counter them with scientific facts.

1.      Myth: A rabbit massager or vibrator is only for women.

Fact: A rabbit vibrator can be used by anyone, irrespective of gender. Many people consider this rabbit-shaped vibrator to be a female vibrator. It’s not true. It’s a complete myth.

2.      Myth: You can’t use a rabbit massager every day.

Fact: This rabbit-shaped vibrator sex toy is safe for regular usage. However, maintaining basic hygiene rules will help you avoid infection risks. It’s not only about a rabbit vibrator. Any sex toys or vibrators can be used daily if they are made with body-safe materials like silicone.

3.      Myth: A rabbit vibrator is nothing special. It just works like any other vagina vibrator.

Facts: This rabbit-shaped vibrator includes an iconic design, allowing you to enjoy dual stimulation simultaneously. It contains two bunny-shaped ears, letting you stimulate the clitoris and G spot simultaneously. Unlike an ordinary female vibrator, this versatile rabbit massager doesn’t focus only on a particular area. It focuses on various areas simultaneously.

Where to buy rabbit vibrators online?

These rabbit vibrators are only available in online sex toy stores. For a smooth and satisfactory shopping experience, you can visit authentic online sites like Kaamastra and search for rabbit sex toys and vibrators. These online stores have a wide range of rabbit massagers and vibrators available at different price ranges and with various features.


Whether you are a first-time user or an experienced person, this rabbit vibrator is worth it. With the advanced vibration settings, bunny-shaped ears and speed adjustment feature, you can now enjoy intense dual stimulation without experiencing any discomfort. However, make sure to keep your vibrator sex toy clean and follow the basic hygiene tips. With the right use of this rabbit massager or vibrator, you can step into a happy and satisfied sex life.



What makes a rabbit vibrator different from other vibrators?

While other vibrators focus on a specific point of pleasure, a bunny sex toy can focus on different points at a time. With its two bunny ears, this sex vibrator can stimulate your clitoris and G spot at the same time, making it more unique and efficient than a regular vibrator sex toy.

Are rabbit vibrators suitable for beginners?

Yes absolutely. A rabbit sex vibrator is easy to use and contains vibration and speed-adjusting features. As a beginner, you can go to the settings and turn the low-volume vibration mode on. Also, you can lower the speed of this mini sex toy according to your convenience, making it a beginner’s friendly sex toy.

How to clean and maintain a rabbit vibrator?

Among all the sex massagers, this rabbit massager or vibrator is one of the most easy-to-maintain vibrators. If you purchase a waterproof vibrator, you can rinse it through clean water. Let it dry. Do not store the damp vibrator. Wait for some time and then store it in a dry and safe place.

Can I use a rabbit vibrator if I have sensitive skin?

Yes, this bunny sex toy is suitable for all skin types. Just make sure your rabbit sex toy is made of body-safe materials.

What should I do if my rabbit vibrator stops working?

First, check whether your rabbit massager is fully charged or not. Consider calling the customer care number to troubleshoot the issue.

What are the materials used in rabbit vibrators?

A rabbit vibrator can be crafted with different materials, such as silicone and jelly. However, a silicone sex toy is one of the most popular sex toys in India. Silicone is known for its antimicrobial formulation and heat resistance, which explains why most women prefer a silicone rabbit massager.

How can I introduce a rabbit vibrator into my relationship?

Educate your partner about the functionality and unique features of a rabbit vibrator. Then, start using it during the foreplay phase. With the right use of this mini sex toy, you can enjoy intense sexual stimulation with your partner. If your partner struggles while finding the G spot, ask him to use this bunny-shaped vibrator to stimulate the G spot more intensely.

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